Well, it's been a very busy week here. Aunt Linda invited us again for vacation bible school (VBS) at her Hamilton Baptist Church. This was Abby's 2nd year and Jacob's 1st. The two of them had a blast all week and were very sad to see it end. All except Alison. She was very upset this week that she wasn't allowed to go with the other two. She really missed Jacob. She would check with me every 5 minutes to make sure I didn't forget to go get him. I would ask her "But what about Abby" and her response was always "she can stay" Abby didn't think this was very funny. I don't think she was feeling the love :)
VBS had free iron-on decals so I bought the kids each a t-shirt to make and wear at Family Night on Friday. Gammie, Grandpa and MeeMaw joined us for the program. The kids had fun showing off what they learned singing and dancing on stage. VBS had a great slide show of photos from the week of all the children. Grandpa and Gammie took us out for icecream afterwards. It was a great way to celebrate the end of the week :)
Jacob's class singing and dancing on stage

Abby, JT & Ali showing off their shirts

Ali excited to pick up her brother and sister

Abby's class singing and dancing on stage